AntiSquad Tactics Premium 2.05 APK + DATA + MOD

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AntiSquad Tactics Premium 2.05 APK + DATA + MOD

The critically-acclaimed colorful turn-based combat game AntiSquad Tactics Premium 2.05 (full) finally got an update and is available for free download. The Mod offers money so it may help you in your quest. The game is somewhat a combination of the cartoon world military aesthetic of Team Fortress 2 and the tactical squad combat of games like XCOM Enemy Unknown. The gameplay is basic; you tap to move and tap on enemies to select your attack, etc.

Requirements: Android 4.0 and up

Size: 210MB

Rating: 4.7/5
Type: Strategy

User reviews:
“This game looked great but it’s not really strategy but a kind of puzzle game where there is one type of solution or buy some items/upgrade by grinding. AntiSquad Tactics Premium could be fun for some but not for me!” -Mark

“The characters have personality, the action is simple to learn but hard to master, and the scenarios are tricky but fun!” -Eris

AntiSquad Tactics Premium 2.05 for Android features:

Complete freedom from the premium currency, energy … just the game itself!
– no energy
– no premium currency
– cheaper prices

AntiSquad Tactics is a single-player turn-based game featuring:
– Turn-based tactics
– More than 50 missions in different environments
– Dozens of abilities and weapons
– Various enemies
– Fascinating story
– Stunning visuals
The modded apk features unlimited money
AntiSquad Tactics gives you various missions, including infiltration, escape, elimination, assault, and a whole lot more!

What’s new in version 2.05
Starting from the next version this game will not support old saves! You need to update your game now for most compatibility.
– Fixed issues with Android 6
– New weapons were added for high-level characters.
– The new game mode – HOT-SEAT – was added.
– Some minor bugs have been fixed.
– New weapons were added for high-level characters.
– The new game mode – HOT-SEAT – was added.
– Some minor bugs have been fixed.

Screenshots (click to enlarge)

Download AntiSquad Tactics Premium v2.05 APK+DATA:
AST Google Play

Download links

Install Apk, Extract SD DATA and copy ‘com.insgames.antisquad.premium’ folder to sdcard/Android/obb and play!

Minimum Requirements:
– Android 4.0 or higher
– 1 GB of RAM or higher
– CPU 1000 MHz or higher
– at least 200 MB of free space to download game
– at least 800 MB of free space to install the game

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